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All hybrid first brigade troops through the river after the start command Kiyoshi Katsuki 16th Division engineers wing erected pontoon. And in devils bridge piles engineers lay the first time,ghd, a small hill toms outlet where suddenly remembered the ongoing violent explosion. After the explosion, dense sound of the gun up, then in Hong month Kiyoshi watched, hybrid first brigade dash most forward a brigade, and immediately fell nearly a third of the troops. Test text watermark 3. As students and soldiers ambushed army brigade task is three to 11 groups.

Once mine was detonated,ghd hair straighteners, then, in the head of the party promising, led 11 soldiers jumped out of the group ambush locations, launched a counter-assault. Soon, they put a hybrid first brigade back to the river. In such a short distance to reach the war, Wei Qing-style assault rifles and submachine gun firepower advantage has been brought into fuller play, there are three camps in the 11 regiment soldiers do not skimp hit by bullets, the Japanese do not even organize an effective check into, can only follow crushing defeat of that brigade to the river back, soon to be compressed to the river throughout the area.


