
sweet little girl love crazy of ghd red

ghd nz without a word, took three glasses of wine in one gulp, readily throw away the cup, looked straight into his indifferent, cold tunnel: four brothers, dare I fight to compete with everyone drunk party Hugh? "ghd looked at him coldly, and the faint sarcasm: "So the four brothers are not worried about Xiao chaise will not let you into the room?"

Listen to the ghd flat iron words provocative taste very strong, slightly Yi Zheng Jun Xi Yu, a faint smile and clapped her hands, change the subject: "come which, for a large bowl! I keep brother fight Pinjiu amount! '"Please!" Not many ghd deeply Wang Jun Xi Yu a, threw the cup, won the altar wine binge. The chilly wine flow down the cheeks down his fortitude, have fallen to the ground, and fell into countless pearls.

ghd purple stumbled out of the palace, sent eunuchs around the hazy eyes slips into Qingming, looked around for a moment, Gu figure, alert and not into the depths of the Imperial Garden.ghd full of melancholy, down if water encountered then letting go of self-blame, deplore; take pity Xi Yu do not know in front of people's resentment mixed with these emotions intertwined, hitting him, and tore him.

